This blog is a collection of my feelings, as I collect them and articulate them into (hopefully) interesting rants.
my thoughts (WARNING!!! the content of this article may be extremely random and confusing)
Published on August 22, 2004 By fasilla In Misc
so here i am, trying my hand at blogging. this is an interesting experience. i joined and posted 3 articles yesterday, and someone has already read one. very interesting. i get an odd feeling when i think about an unknown person reading my personal thoughts and feelings. what a concept. i find that i don't express my emotions in a very effective manner. it is something that i am working on. i wonder how much shit other people put up with? i wonder if i take more or less shit than the average person. hmm... i wonder if i allow people to push my limits too far.


i believe i contain too much anger and frustration. i punched a hole through mom's wall one night. i am not necessarily proud that i did it, only in the fact that i actually was able to punch a hole in a wall. it was shocking to me when i had to pull my hand out of the dry-wall. it made me feel strong. i punch the doors now. i don't want mom to get mad at me again. plus i feel super guilty about damaging her house. she has worked hard and made it a beautiful place. so punching doors are my thing. it is interesting. i don't picture myself punching a hole through one of the doors. i honestly don't think i can do it. i do think that i might get bloody knuckles. it is intriguing to think about how hard i can hit something before i begin to bleed.i am very interested in pain. i like it, but don't seek it (with the exception of hitting things).

is it so weird for to like to hit things? i worry that i will want to hit people. i wonder what it is like to hit people, but i am intensely afraid of hurting someone or myself. sometimes i wonder what it feels like to hit someone in the face. i imagine about all that might be involved. the soud the face makes upon contact. the feel of my skin on theirs. would i break anything on their face? would i just miss completely? (that one cracks me up) i know i could never hit anyone. but perhaps, if there were one of those booths like the one from minority report, i don't' remember whether it was to view memories or fantasies. either way, i would like one of those. that would definately give me some actual satisfaction from this world. it would be guilt-free realizations. it is sort of like 2 chances at life. you can "virtually experience" an action that, if done in real-life, would have life-altering repercussions. being able to experience the trial, without the lasting effects of the error. ha! what a concept. i will think a little more on that...

on Aug 22, 2004
I can feel your anger but you are going to end up breaking your knuckles or metacarpal bones hitting
walls and doors. BTW I read all of them. ; )
Keep writing.
on Aug 22, 2004
thanks for the support. i appreciate all the feedback. all of you have made it easy for me to drop my guard. i look forward to writing things that are worthwhile to read.